Professor Sarah McMenamin

Assistant Professor of Biology and Principal Investigator of the McMenamin Lab at Boston College


Professor Sarah McMenamin is an Assistant Professor of Biology and the

Principal Investigator of the McMenamin Lab at Boston College.

The McMenamin Lab uses the zebrafish model to ask questions about how vertebrates coordinate development at different life stages. Professor McMenamin is one of four faculty collaborators on the Women in STEM Initiative at Boston College. This initiative aims to establish a new program focused on promoting and enhancing women’s successes, and it includes

four interconnected and synergistic interdisciplinary initiatives on campus.

Growing up with two parents in academia, Professor McMenamin wanted to follow her own path as she went into college. However, when she got to college at Mount Holyoke, she fell in love with biology and lab research work. When I asked her what her biggest motivation for the work she does, she replied, “I love the work I do and that is the most motivating thing.”


“Don’t take no for an answer.”

Professor McMenamin’s advice to others.


Professor Rachelle Reisberg


Professor Ozlem Ergun